Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Nap

When I take a nap, I expect perfect conditions so that I can maximize the short amount of time I have to catch up from lack of sleep from the previous night (me and Bed sometimes take too long talking about our days). What are these perfect conditions you ask?
1. The temperature must be just right so that I can use a blanket still. I don't like laying out there without a blanket, it reminds me of what a person looks like in an open casket.
2. I need the right blanket. I don't want a freaking down comforter but I want more than a sheet. Sheets are for dressing up for toga parties, not for napping.
3. I need one big fluffy pillow or two medium size pillows. My head needs support. Enough said.
So needless to say when I decided to visit my parents today, I expected to pack in a quick nap on their amazing comfy, worn in leather couch. But my very kind (but pestering) mother supplied me with THREE blankets so I would be "comfortable." I didn't have the heart to tell her I was sweating like a 500 pound man after he walks across the living room. Then they put the fireplace on to make it "cozy." I don't get this. Fire, in case you are not aware, is not cozy. You want to cuddle fire? Be my guest, I on the other hand enjoy the bliss of electric heat because it won't burn through my skin sending me to the hospital looking like a naked mole rat. So for an hour I tossed and turned in my own sweat leaving me restless, soaked, and unsatisfied. Hey kinda sounds like...never mind.
Final Words: Arriba's Mexican food has the most delightful pancakes. Who would have though Mexicans knew how to make fluffy pancakes?


  1. "So for an hour I tossed and turned in my own sweat leaving me restless, soaked, and unsatisfied. Hey kinda sounds like...never mind." ~Again, the poetry is amazing!!!

    And damn right about the pancakes!
