Friday, March 26, 2010

The Loner

I know I complain about a lot of things on this blog. So for this entry, I am going to do the same thing. Why stop a good trend?
Recently in a newspaper article a report done by some researchers from some university did some study that looked at some people's conversations throughout some amount of time. Yes, this really must be something. Anyway, they found that people were happier when they had "meaningful conversations" over idle chit-chat. Their example of a meaningful conversation was, "What do you think is the best way to transport kids to school" and the person responds on opinions they have heard. This is opposed to chit chat: "Oh that ice cream looks good, what flavor is it?" and the person responds "vanilla" and moves on. Hm. Who are these people? They have nothing better to do than talk about getting their kids to school? Oh wait, I get it. They researched stay at home moms because who else has the time to be researched for a year straight? And any stay at home mom will naturally be happier when she gets to talk to a person who is over the age of 10. And I have had plentiful meaningful conversations about ice cream. That is an important topic. Flavor, toppings, which brand, syrups? Hellllllo, if you don't think that's serious business then you have your priorities mismanaged. The report goes on to conclude that people who spend time alone and only engage in chit-chat are not as happy as people who spend more time with friends talking about real conversations...I wish I could call these people and ask them to follow me for a week. You know when I am happy? When Barbie (see previous post) keeps her mouth shut so I can enjoy my wine. When I get to read the paper and enjoy coffee before little 3 year old Joe-Joe shows up with his grandparents and his entire playroom. (This is not Gymboree people!) When I am in class and I can take notes without you texting your best friend about the picture that Molly posted of her and Joe making out in a hot tub -o.m.g., what a whore!, and then you lean in to ask me if I think that it is sanitary for people to do that in a hot tub? Sorry, while I am trying to learn about how the media is warping my brain (must. check. facebook...), I decided you would be a topic on my blog because you're so annoying.
Final Words: Bacardi. Diet. Lemon.

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